Today we went along to the
Churchill War Rooms, home to the British Government during the Second World War. For Doctor Who fans, the place is of interest through its representation in the episode
Victory of the Daleks, and briefly in
The Pandorica Opens. The stories were not filmed in the War Rooms themselves. but made use of a couple of bunkers in Wales.

The long corridor running through
Brackla Bunkers in Bridgend was used to represent the those within the War Rooms. In the story we see Churchill and the Doctor having discussions as they walk, not to mention passing a Dalek or two. However, the corridors within the real War Rooms aren't "open" like in the show, they have buttresses every now and again in order to break the corridor up - this most likely provided cover should the bunker ever have been infiltrated by the enemy!

The Map Room was represented by the
West Cross AAOR in Swansea. The location provided a room that was somewhat less cramped than the real one under Whitehall - pretty handy for getting cameras in! As can be seen in the screen-caps, the room was laid out quite differently in reality, too!

The final room for comparison was Churchill' office, briefly seen in
The Pandorica Opens as Churchill and Bracewell discuss Vincent's painting. The office in the War Rooms is a little more cramped!