Now I know this story isn't exactly one of the classics of that era, and in my view the weakest of the excellent Season 18 stories, but it does hold significance to me in being one of the only stories I never got on VHS and so all I have is a UK Gold version from some early Sunday morning showing on an E240 alongside The Leisure Hive through to Warriors Gate!!!
So I am quite looking forward to this in so far as it is a story I haven't seen for quite a number of years (though not an enforced fast like The Twin Dilemma!). Mind you, we could always have had the prickly adversary back in The Lodger had Gareth Roberts got his way!
Incidentally, S18 fans could catch up with guests from Warriors Gate and The Keeper of Traken at Fantom Films's Fourth Dimension convention this weekend - only a couple of tickets left (and you get Jago and Litefoot, plus Sutekh into the bargain too!).