It's one of those nights when an odd episode takes your fancy, and this time it was
The Wheel in Space just before bedtime. I hadn't watched it in a while so just popped on Episode Six. Things worthy of a mention along the way:
- The Doctor suggesting turning on the sexual air supply - once heard, never forgotten! Right up there with his former regeneration's dalliance with the "fornicator"!
- The invading Cyber Army doing a birdie dance towards the Wheel - possible the worst case of "spacewalk acting" since ... umm ... The Moonbase!
- "You Know Our Ways" ... possibly one of the creepiest Cyberman responses in the series. Though I really liked the Earthshock Cybermen (and they were the ones that made me a proper fan rather than an enthusiastic viewer) the voices of the earlier ones were rather menacing, and extremely good here.
- The introduction to The Evil of the Daleks repeat - if only this still survived in its entirety!
This story also produces a minor feeling of nostalgia in me as it was the last episode to be broadcast before I was born, so conceivably the last story I would never have been able to see off-air!