After last week's ending and subsequent "Next Time", I was expecting rather more; however, we ended up with 50 minutes (this is the shortest one shown on BBC1 so far) wherein, erm, Gwen spends practically all her time in one place, Esther and Rex spend practically all of their time in one place, Jack (the alleged star of the show) spends practically none of his time on-screen at all, and Oswald obviously realised what was coming and so had a snooze off-screen completely!

This took 50 minutes.
It's not that Torchwood is bad, it's just that it is soooo slow, and this verges on boring, and that is a killer for me. My fiancee regularly despairs at some of the shows I stick with on television when she gave up on them ages before, and we both agree that we're only watching it for the "Torchwood" name, not through the story itself. We keep on thinking next week's will be better, but we're running out of those! (read her review of The Middle Men here)
Indeed, the "Next Time" is often the best part, as it does make me feel like it will be better and I should watch (which is a trailer's function, of course). But it's like watching Doctor Who DVDs where you know the story that is "Coming Soon" is shite but you still go "oooh" when you see it!
Damn it, Children of Earth really set the bench too high; Miracle Day does hold together better than Series One and does have consistent characters - though I'm starting to wonder about Gwen's integrity ...